Senin, 31 Januari 2011

infolinks, additional money from the internet

infolinks logo infolinks, tambahan uang dari internetwas to obtain money from the internet there are so many sources. Well one of the source is infolinks, infolinks is a broker in-text advertising, they are broken ad displaying text ads in our blogs, for example if you look at this blog there will be blue with writings that there are 2 lines under the heading it. nah, because of that ad from infolinks, and each one click on the link I will get the money, simpelnya hell like that.

Issue Ads Infolinks Not Appear Finally Solved

Logo Infolinks Since I signed up to be publisher Infolinks, there is one thing that bothers me is I rarely see ads Infolinks appear on my blog articles. I know the problem is on the ISP that I use (Indosat 3.5G Broadband), because when tested using other internet connections such as Telkom Speedy, Infolinks advertisements may appear as it should.